User checkout behavior on e-commerce sites

This week we’d like to share an insightful article we found on user checkout behavior.
To succeed, online merchants should take notice of the following issues:
1. Site speed. Customers don’t like to wait, so if the site does not load within seconds, they will abandon the site (and possibly never return).
2. Visual design. Websites with good design and compact information greatly influence the purchase decision. On average, users will spend 90 seconds exploring a site and make a quick judgement on whether to continue shopping or leave.
3. Product images and videos. Users expect “what I see is what I get”. Customers have more confidence in a product after seeing images or videos.
4. Product reviews management. 79% of customers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations. Merchants should allow users to leave comments and monitor it.
5. When users abandon the checkout page. It sounds strange, why would users select the product then leave before checkout.
The possible reasons:
1. Hidden charges at checkout, some customers may feel cheated.
2. Contact number not provided, there will likely be no after sales support.
3. Too many steps in the checkout process.
4. Registration requirement, some users don’t like to provide private information.
5. Payment and security, consumers feel safer seeing trustworthy payment logos on an online store site.

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