Cyber Security and Computer Hacking on Payments

Cybersecurity is critical for all kind of business. 

  • Hackers are criminals who gain unauthorized access to a network and devices, usually with the intent to steal sensitive data, such as financial information or company secrets.
  • You can protect your computers by using firewalls and antivirus software and by following best practices for computer use.
  • You can protect your mobile devices by turning off Bluetooth when it’s not in use, being mindful of the Wi-Fi networks you connect to and using security applications to improve monitoring and protection.


What are computer hackers?
Computer hackers are people who break into internet-connected devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones, usually with the intent to steal, change or delete information.

Just as other thieves have malicious intent, hackers usually find their way into devices for negative purposes. (However, one exception is so-called white hat hackers, whom companies hire to break into their devices to find security flaws that need to be fixed.) Hackers may want to steal, alter or delete information in your devices, and they often do so by installing malware (software used for malicious purposes) you might not even know is there. These thieves might get access to your most precious data before you’re aware of a break-in.

Everyone need to strictly follow the security steps on the electronic devices, orelse hackers will get inside your devices and create the vulnerability.

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