Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

By signing up for the services provided by AWEPay, you consent to accepting our privacy policy and allowing for the collection, storing, and utilization of your personal information. The term ‘Personal Information’ shall denote all information associated to a certain individual which can be used to identify that person, of which the privacy of the information will be protected with utmost integrity.

1. Personal Information Collection

1.1 The following information is required when starting an account with us:

·         Personal particulars – ID/passport/driver’s license number

·         Contact details – Phone number, address of residence, email address, and others where appropriate

·         Financial information – Personal banking records

1.2 Additional information may be required prior to an acceptance of your registration based on our discretion, should the need arise for further verification of your identity, be it personal or third party particulars.

1.3 To prevent cases of fraud, account transaction and accessing device information may be required for our verification and approval.

2. Personal Information Protection

AWEPay operates within a secure network of dedicated servers, thus ensuring that all personal information is tightly safeguarded, using a complex security system which involves both physical and electronic security measures. Personal information is only available for the perusal of relevant employees for processing purposes, and will not, in any case, be sold or shared to third parties for marketing purposes.


3. Use of Personal Information

Your personal information may be used for the following purposes:

·         To help us provide you with efficient customer support and follow up

·         For transaction processing and notification

·         For dispute resolution and troubleshooting issues

·         To give us a platform for continual improvement so that we may serve you better

4. Sharing of information

4.1 Merchants may be required to release personal information to AWEPay whenever necessary, simply for authentication and verification purposes. This is to enable us to confirm that you, the customer, are indeed an AWEPay member before we permit a transaction, and provide validation with a third party on your request. AWEPay will not be held responsible over any breaches between you and your transacting merchant’s privacy policy and terms of use.

4.2 Additionally, AWEPay holds the right to share your personal particulars with the following parties:

·         Our partnering financial institutions during joint collaborations to provide our customers better services

·         With the relevant authorities in the event of a breach of regulations, suspected illegal activity or violation to our Terms of Service to maintain the integrity of our operation and reputation

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