In the online business industry, Pharmacy businesses are one of the primary targets for fraudsters to make money from. Generally known to all, Pharmacy Merchant Accounts are considered as high risk accounts and are difficult to obtain these days. Financial institutions are constantly coming up with new and more stringent
Obtaining an Internet Merchant Account is the first step for online payment processing. Merchants with internet or online retails stores would need an account to accept payments via credit card, debit card, and other payment methods for goods and services sold. An internet merchant account is specifically catered for online
Cashless payments for purchasing goods date back to the year 1914. In the US, Western Union came up with metal cards, giving free deferred payment privileges to their preferred customers as a customer service goodwill gesture. This became known as ‘Metal Money’. However this card could only be used for
Credit card processing especially for ecommerce has very complex risks and it is different for every business. There are a number of factors that can help determine the level of risk for a merchant; merchant’s longevity, industry, business model, products and services offered, financial stability and processing history are just
Gambling Industry Online gaming is a fast growing industry and has become one of the fastest moving sectors in the online entertainment industry. Estimates indicate that, worldwide, gaming nearly generated $60 billion in 2005 with approximately $3 billion in commission revenues. With this tremendous growth, many online gaming merchants face
Payment Service Provider (PSP/IPSP) An online business requires a solid and secure link between its paying customers and the bank. A Payment Service Provider is that link which offers merchants online services for accepting electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit and debit card, bank-based payments such
What is SWOT analysis? – It is a structured planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in a business. The key to a SWOT analysis is to identify the internal and external factors to achieve a company’s objective. Strengths and Weaknesses are the internal factors that
A payment gateway is a network communication between the customer, bank and business owner. The processing system is either operated by a bank or third party merchant like PayPal and AWEPay, to transmit money from the customer’s account to financial institutions. A payment gateway is a service provider of e-commerce
Online Credit Card Payments 101 Credit cards payments are the no-fuss cash alternative that makes doing business easier for merchants and customers. The advantages go far beyond mere convenience.By accepting credit cards payments, merchants are able to: 1. Get fast, guaranteed payment for their goods and services 2. Expand customer-base, increase
Credit Card Processing The vital step to start e-selling For any business and community on the internet, accepting credit card payments is no doubt a must-have. Experience tells us that credit cards are one of, if not the most used payment method by consumers, simply because of its convenience. With