What is KPAY?

Kpay is a centralized platform able to manage electronic payments safely from the pay point (and PinPAD) to the payment circuit. It is certified for international and domestic circuits for the entire route that goes from the PinPAD / POS terminal to the acquiring / issuer authorization.

The KPay console allows you to define the rules of electronic payment addressing based on the type of card, to the most convenient destinations for the merchant.

The KPay console allows analyze payment flows, with a granularity that can reach the individual cash point; payment data can be exported for analysis on Back-Office.

KPay is easily integrable with the Front-End software applications to enable payment functions with different tools (vouchers, gifts, etc.).

K-pay wearables allow you to make quick and secure payments anywhere that accepts contactless and is funded by connecting to your bank account’s debit card.

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